Friday, January 9, 2009

Product Mix .

Product Mix
Marketing has marketing mix , and promotion has promotion mix also product has product mix .
Product Mix is all the products offered for sale by an organisation , and Product Mix also mean the variety of product lines that a company produces, or that a retailer stocks . Product mix is sometimes called product assortment.
In product line we have four qualities ( length , breadth , depth and consistency ) .

Length : mean the number of products in the product line .
Breadth : mean the number of product lines that a company offers .
Depth : mean the different varieties of product in the product line .
Consistency : the relationship between products in their final destination .

In usual Product mix refers to the ( length,breadth,depth and consistency ) of product line .

Sunday, January 4, 2009

History of Marketing Research. Part Two

History of Marketing Research
History of Marketing Research
From 1940 to 1960 .

In 1940
1930-1940. Interest in research turned to statistical methodology. Quantitative rather than qualitative information was emphasized, particularly for use in analysis of factors affecting sales and in the setting of sales quotas.

In 1950
1940-1950. The refinement of statistical techniques and with the growing interest in research methodology drawn from other social sciences. Attention was given to sampling theory and to multivariate and correlation methods.

In 1960
1950-1960. Emphasis placed upon managerial decision making in marketing analyses of consumer motivation and use of concepts developed in related behavioral sciences.

History of Marketing Research. Part One

History of Marketing Research
History of Marketing Research .
From 1910 to 1930 .

In 1910
The practice of marketing research began about 1910 as result of a growing demand for accurate knowledge of marketing and of an increasing application of the methods of science to marketing management .

In 1911
In 1911 Charles Coolidge Parlin gathered information useful to businessmen were unskilled in interpreting them . And he called his proposed operation “Commercial Research.”
His first study was of the agricultural implement industry resulted in a 460 page report, which is credited with being the first marketing research study

in 1912
In 1912, Charles Coolidge Parlin he made second study . He visited all cities over 50,000 population to estimate the volume of business done in department stores, wholesale dry goods establishments, and principal merchant tailoring operations. That resulted in a second report entitled “Department Store Lines.” He stated in that study that “The Consumer Is King” which became a slogan throughout the period of the consumer movement.

In 1914
Charles’s third study was in the first census of distribution. In 1914, he published another study, “Automobiles,” pointing out possible successful lines and prices. The studies undertaken by Parlin made commercial fact finding a profession.

In 1920
From 1910 to 1920, The growing size of business establishments, particularly in the distributive trades, focused interest on measures of internal activity and encouraged research in operating statistics and other internal data.

In 1930
From 1920 to 1930, Focus of attention on markets, resulting form the introduction of new products, growth of new types of marketing establishments, and their uncertainty of consumer buying habits.
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