B2B : It mean "Business to Business." A business that markets its products or services to other businesses.
B2C : It mean "Business to Consumer." A business that markets its services or products to consumers.
Balance Of Payments : A record of all the economic transactions between a country and the rest of the world. For the world as a whole, theoretically, imports must equal exports. The balance of payments can be divided into the so-called current account and capital account. The current account is for goods and services, the capital account is for money and investments.
Balance Of Trade : The balance of merchandise imports and exports.
Bar Code : An information technology application that uniquely identifies various aspects of product characteristics as well as additional information regarding delivery and handling instructions.
The information is read by scanning devices and greatly increases the speed, accuracy, and productivity of the distribution process.
Brainstorming : A group method of problem solving, used in product concept generation. It is sometimes thought to be an open, free-wheeling idea session, but more correctly is a specific procedure developed by Alex Osborn, with precise rules of session conduct. Now it has many modifications in format of use, each variation with its own name.
Branch House : An establishment maintained by a manufacturer, separate from the headquarters establishment and used primarily for the purpose of stocking, selling, delivering, and servicing the manufacturer's product.
Branch House Wholesaler : A national, regional, or sectional wholesaler who operates a number of variously located establishments to provide better customer service in all parts of the territory covered. It differs from a chain wholesaler in that each branch is closely supervised as an extension of the main wholesale house.
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