Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Internet Marketing Definitions page 2

Internet Marketing Definitions
Deep linking : linking to a web page other than a site's home page .

Description tag : an HTML tag used by Web page authors to provide a description for search engine listings.

Email : the transmission of computer-based messages over telecommunication technology .

Email marketing : the promotion of products or services via email.

Email spam : unwanted, unsolicited email .

Favicon : a small icon that is used by some browsers to identify a bookmarked Web site.

Forum : an online community where visitors may read and post topics of common interest.

House ad : self-promotional ad a company runs on their own site/network to use unsold inventory.

HTML banner : a banner ad using HTML elements, often including interactive forms instead of (or in addition to) standard graphical elements.

HTML email : email that is formatted using Hypertext Markup Language, as opposed to plain text email.

Incentivized traffic : visitors who have received some form of compensation for visiting a site.

Interactive agency : an agency offering a mix of Web design/development, Internet advertising/marketing, or E-Business/E-Commerce consulting.

JavaScript : a scripting language developed by Netscape and used to create interactive Web sites.

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