Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Internet Marketing Definitions page 5

Internet Marketing Definitions

Text ad : advertisement using text-based hyperlinks.

Text link exchange : network where participating sites display text ads in exchange for credits which are converted (using a predetermined exchange rate) into ads to be displayed on other sites.

Title tag : HTML tag used to define the text in the top line of a Web browser, also used by many search engines as the title of search listings.

Top 10 : the top ten search engine results for a particular search term.

Trick banner : a banner ad that attempts to trick people into clicking, often by imitating an operating system message.

URL : location of a resource on the Internet .

Vertical banner : a banner ad measuring 120 pixels wide and 240 pixels tall.

Viral marketing : marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

Web browser : a software application that allows for the browsing of the World Wide Web.

Web design : the selection and coordination of available components to create the layout and structure of a Web page.

Web directory : organized, categorized listings of Web sites.

Web hosting : the business of providing the storage, connectivity, and services necessary to serve files for a website.

Web ring : a means for navigating a group of related sites primarily by going forward and backward.

Web site traffic : the amount of visitors and vists a Web site receives.

Web site usability : the ease with which visitors are able to use a Web site.

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