Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Internet Marketing Definitions page 5
Text ad : advertisement using text-based hyperlinks.
Text link exchange : network where participating sites display text ads in exchange for credits which are converted (using a predetermined exchange rate) into ads to be displayed on other sites.
Title tag : HTML tag used to define the text in the top line of a Web browser, also used by many search engines as the title of search listings.
Top 10 : the top ten search engine results for a particular search term.
Trick banner : a banner ad that attempts to trick people into clicking, often by imitating an operating system message.
URL : location of a resource on the Internet .
Vertical banner : a banner ad measuring 120 pixels wide and 240 pixels tall.
Viral marketing : marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.
Web browser : a software application that allows for the browsing of the World Wide Web.
Web design : the selection and coordination of available components to create the layout and structure of a Web page.
Web directory : organized, categorized listings of Web sites.
Web hosting : the business of providing the storage, connectivity, and services necessary to serve files for a website.
Web ring : a means for navigating a group of related sites primarily by going forward and backward.
Web site traffic : the amount of visitors and vists a Web site receives.
Web site usability : the ease with which visitors are able to use a Web site.
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Monday, June 15, 2009
Internet Marketing Definitions page 4
Rate card : document detailing prices for various ad placement options.
Reciprocal links : links between two sites, often based on an agreement by the site owners to exchange links.
Rectangle ad : any one of the large, rectangular banner sizes suggested by the IAB.
Rep firm : ad sales partner specializing primarily in single-site sales.
Return days : the number of days an affiliate can earn commission on a conversion (sale or lead) by a referred visitor.
Rich media : new media that offers an enhanced experience relative to older, mainstream formats.
Run of network (RON) : ad buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages on sites within an ad network.
Run of site (ROS) : ad buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages of the target site.
Search engine : a program that indexes documents, then attempts to match documents relevant to the users search requests.
Search engine optimization ( SEO ) : the process of choosing targeted keyword phrases related to a site, and ensuring that the site places well when those keyword phrases are part of a Web search.
Search engine spam : excessive manipulation to influence search engine rankings, often for pages which contain little or no relevant content.
Search engine submission : the act of supplying a URL to a search engine in an attempt to make a search engine aware of a site or page.
Search spy : a perpetually refreshing page that provides a real-time view of actual Web searches.
Self-serve advertising : advertising that can be purchased without the assistance of a sales representative.
Shopping cart : software used to make a site's product catalogue available for online ordering, whereby visitors may select, view, add/delete, and purchase merchandise.
Sig file : a short block of text at the end of a message identifying the sender and providing additional information about them.
Site search : search functionality specific to one site.
Skyscraper ad : an online ad significantly taller than the 120x240 vertical banner.
Spam : inappropriate commercial message of extremely low value.
Splash page : a branding page before the home page of a Web site.
Sponsorship : advertising that seeks to establish a deeper association and integration between an advertiser and a publisher, often involving coordinated beyond-the-banner placements.
Stickiness : the amount of time spent at a site over a given time period.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Internet Marketing Definitions page 3
Keyword : a word used in a performing a search.
Keyword marketing : putting your message in front of people who are searching using particular keywords and keyphrases.
Keyword research : the search for keywords related to your Web site, and the analysis of which ones yield the highest return on investment (ROI).
Keywords tag : META tag used to help define the primary keywords of a Web page.
Manual submission : adding a URL to the search engines individually by hand .
Marketing plan : the part of the business plan outlining the marketing strategy for a product or service.
Media kit : a resource created by a publisher to help prospective ad buyers evaluate advertising opportunities.
Navigation : that which facilitates movement from one Web page to another Web page.
Pay per click (PPC) : online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying click-throughs .
Pay per click search engine (PPCSE) : search engine where results are ranked according to the bid amount and advertisers are charged only when a searcher clicks on the search listing.
Pay per lead (PPL) : online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely based on qualifying leads.
Pay per sale (PPS) : online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely based on qualifying sales.
Permission marketing : marketing centered around getting customer's consent to receive information from a company.
Pop-under ad : an ad that displays in a new browser window behind the current browser window.
Pop-up ad : an ad that displays in a new browser window.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Internet Marketing Definitions page 2
Deep linking : linking to a web page other than a site's home page .
Description tag : an HTML tag used by Web page authors to provide a description for search engine listings.
Email : the transmission of computer-based messages over telecommunication technology .
Email marketing : the promotion of products or services via email.
Email spam : unwanted, unsolicited email .
Favicon : a small icon that is used by some browsers to identify a bookmarked Web site.
Forum : an online community where visitors may read and post topics of common interest.
House ad : self-promotional ad a company runs on their own site/network to use unsold inventory.
HTML banner : a banner ad using HTML elements, often including interactive forms instead of (or in addition to) standard graphical elements.
HTML email : email that is formatted using Hypertext Markup Language, as opposed to plain text email.
Incentivized traffic : visitors who have received some form of compensation for visiting a site.
Interactive agency : an agency offering a mix of Web design/development, Internet advertising/marketing, or E-Business/E-Commerce consulting.
JavaScript : a scripting language developed by Netscape and used to create interactive Web sites.
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Internet Marketing Definitions page 1
Ad blocking : the blocking of Web advertisements, typically the image in graphical Web advertisements.
Advertising network : a network representing many Web sites in selling advertising, allowing advertising buyers to reach broad audiences relatively easily through run-of-category and run-of-network buys.
Banner advertisement : a graphical web advertising unit, typically measuring 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall (i.e. 468x60).
Banner exchange : network where participating sites display banner ads in exchange for credits which are converted (using a predetermined exchange rate) into ads to be displayed on other sites
Business hosting : Web hosting geared towards the mission-critical functions demanded by business-class customers.
Button advertisements : a graphical advertising unit, smaller than a banner ad.
Button exchange : network where participating sites display button ads in exchange for credits which are converted (using a predetermined exchange rate) into ads to be displayed on other sites.
Caching : the storage of Web files for later re-use at a point more quickly accessed by the end user.
Click-through rate (CTR) : The average number of click-throughs per hundred ad impressions, expressed as a percentage .
Cascading style sheets (CSS) : a data format used to separate style from structure on Web pages.
Cost-per-action (CPA) : online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying actions such as sales or registrations.
Cost per click (CPC) : the cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through.
CPM : cost per thousand impressions.
Customer acquisition cost : the cost associated with acquiring a new customer.
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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Definition of Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation is the use of software to automate marketing processes such as customer segmentation, customer data integration (CDI), and campaign management. The use of marketing automation makes processes that would otherwise have been performed manually much more efficient, and makes some new processes possible. Marketing automation is an integral component of customer relationship management (CRM) .
What is the meaning of (CDI) ?
Customer data integration (CDI) is the process of consolidating and managing customer information from all available sources, including contact details, customer valuation data, and information gathered through interactions such as direct marketing. Properly conducted, CDI ensures that all relevant departments in the company have constant access to the most current and complete view of customer information available. As such, CDI is an essential element of customer relationship management (CRM) .
Although many companies have been gathering customer data for a good number of years, it hasn't always been managed very effectively. As a result, companies may maintain outdated, redundant, and inconsistent customer data. According to a Forrester Research report, although 92% of companies surveyed believe having an integrated view of customer data is either "critical" or "very important," only 2% have actually managed to achieve that goal.
What is the meaning of (CRM) ?
CRM (customer relationship management) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way. For example, an enterprise might build a database about its customers that described relationships in sufficient detail so that management, salespeople, people providing service, and perhaps the customer directly could access information, match customer needs with product plans and offerings, remind customers of service requirements, know what other products a customer had purchased, and so forth.
Many organizations turn to CRM software to help them manage their customer relationships. CRM technology is offered on-premise, on-demand or through Software as a Service (SaaS) CRM, depending on the vendor. Recently, mobile CRM and the open source CRM software model have also become more popular.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation's definition :
Marketing Automation is the use of Information Technology solutions to automate marketing processes such as Marketing Planning and Budgeting, Lead Management , Campaign Management, Interaction Management, Marketing Resource Management , Analytics and reporting, and other functional and vertical aspects of marketing functionality .
Marketing Automation help to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing work , The use of marketing automation makes routine processes that would otherwise have been performed manually much more efficient, and makes some new processes possible. Marketing Automation solutions are supplied either is an integral part of either an Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or Commercial operations management solution, or as a stand-alone Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) systems.
Marketing automation works best when the message is relevant. Every customer has a distinctive combination of preferences, interests and demands that make them unique. The closer you come to addressing the uniquely triggered needs in your marketing communications, the greater the likelihood that you will convert prospects into customers .
تاريخ المزيج التسويقي
تاريخ المزيج التسويقي
/ تاريخ المزيج التسويقي
أصبح مصطلح المزيج التسويقي مصطلح ذات شهرة بعد ان قام نيل برودين بنشر مقالته عام 1964 م بعنوان مفهوم المزيج التسويقي ، و كان نيل برودين قد بدأ في استخدام مصطلح المزيج التسويقي في أواخر عم 1940 م وذلك بعدما
. قام جيمس كيوليتون بوصف مدير التسويق بأنه خليط أو مزيج من المكونات
ومكونات المزيج التسويقي عند برودين تشتمل علي : تخطيط النتج ، التسعير ، العلامات التجارية ، قنوات التوزيع ، البيع الشخصي ، الاعلان ، الترويج ، التعبئة ، التغليف ، العرض ،تقديم الخدمات المادية ، المناولة ، تقصي الحقائق
. وتحليلها
.... 4P's إلي أن جاء جيروم مكارثي لاحقا وجمع كل هذه المكونات في أربع فئات والتي عرف اليوم باسم
(السعر ، المنتج ، الترويج ، والمكان )
Thursday, April 9, 2009
المزيج التسويقي
المزيج التسويقي
The Marketing Mix
. يعد مصطلح المزيج التسويقي من أشهر المصطلحات التسويقية علي الاطلاق ، و المزيج التسويقي من اهم العناصر في الخطط التسويقية ومهم لكل دارسي علم التسويق
. وكلمة مزيج لم تأتي من فراغ ولكن السبب قيها هو المزيج التسويقي يتكون من مجموعة من العناصر تكمل بعضها البعض
مفهوم مبسط للمزيج التسويقي
أي شئ له عناصر مكونه له ومكمله بعضها لبعض تنتج مزيج ، اي ان المزيج ما هو الا مجموعة من العناصر المكمله بعضها لبعض ومثال علي ذلك
. وكلمة مزيج لم تأتي من فراغ ولكن السبب قيها هو المزيج التسويقي يتكون من مجموعة من العناصر تكمل بعضها البعض
مفهوم مبسط للمزيج التسويقي
أي شئ له عناصر مكونه له ومكمله بعضها لبعض تنتج مزيج ، اي ان المزيج ما هو الا مجموعة من العناصر المكمله بعضها لبعض ومثال علي ذلك
{الخبز ، الشاي ، الكيك }
. الخبز يحتوي علي : دقيق ، ماء ، خميرة ، ملح
. الشاي يحتوي علي : شاي ، ماء ، سكر
. الكيك يحتوي علي : دقيق ، ماء ، بيض ، سكر
بمعني عند مزج العناصر المكونه للشاي يتنج لنا الشاي و عن طريق هذه العناصر نتحكم في الشكل النهائي للشاي فزيادة الكميه من عنصر
ما او تقليلها يؤثر علي الشكل النهائي للشاي
وعناصر المزيج التسويقي هي
4P's ويطلق علي عناصر المزيج التسويقي
P وذلك لأن كل عنصر من نذه العناصر يبدا بحرف
المنتج Product
السعر Price
المكان Place
الترويج Promotion
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
هو مجموعة العمليات أو الأنشطة التى تعمل على أكتشاف رغبات العملاء و تطوير مجموعة من المنتجات أو الخدمات التى تشبع رغباتهم و تحقق للمؤسسة الربحية خلال فترة مناسبة
وعندما نسمع كلمة تسويق قد ياتي في ذهننا مفاهيم كثيرة نظن انها مهمة التسويق ولكن
التسويق لا يعني الأعلان : يقول فيليب كوتلر في كتابه (كوتلر يتحدث عن التسويق ) "من أكثر أنواع البلبلة شيوعا ً هي النظرة إلى التسويق و البيع على أنهما شيء واحد ، وليس هذه نظرة الكثيرين من عامة الناس بل نظرة العديد من رجال الأعمال ، إن البيع جزء من التسويق غير أن التسويق يشمل أشياء أكثر من البيع ويمكننا أن نشبه البيع على أنه القشرة الخارجية للتسويق
التسويق لا يعني البريد المباشر : الكثير من الشركات تظن أنها تستطيع الحصول على الحجم الذي تحتاجه من التجارة بالبريد المباشر ، ولعل شركات الطلبيات البريدية محقة في ذلك ، ولكن معظم الشركات تحتاج إلى وفرة من أسلحة التسويق الأخرة لدعم البريد المباشر و لإنجاح البريد المباشر
التسويق لا يعني المنشورات الدعائية : تتسابق معظم الشركات لإنتاج منشور دعائي عن المنافع التي يوفرونها ، ثم يثنون على أنفسهم لإبداع منشور عالي الجودة . فهل ذلك المنشور هو التسويق ؟ إنه جانب مهم من جوانب خطتك عندما يمتزج بعشرة أو خمسة عشرة جزءاً مهما ً ؛ وليس بمفرده تماماً
إذا كان التسويق لا يعني البيع أو الإعلان أو البريد المباشر أو المنشورات الدعائية اذا
ماذا يعني التسويق ؟؟؟
للتسويق تعريفات كثيره ومنها
هو مجموعة العمليات أو الأنشطة التى تعمل على أكتشاف رغبات العملاء و تطوير مجموعة من المنتجات أو الخدمات التى تشبع رغباتهم و تحقق للمؤسسة الربحية خلال فترة مناسبة
نظام متكامل من أنشطة الأعمال المتفاعلة التي تستهدف تخطيط وتسعير وتوزيع وترويج السلع والخدمات التي تشبع حاجات ورغبات العملاء الحاليين والمرتقبين
التسويق هو عبارة عن عملية يهتم بتحديد رغبة ما عند العميل و العمل على تلبية هذه الرغبة
قال فيليب كوتلر/ التسويق عملية إدارية اجتماعية يحصل بموجبها الأفراد والمجموعات على ما يحتاجون، ويتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال إنتاج وتبادل المنتجات ذات القيمة مع الآخرين
Monday, March 23, 2009
Privacy Policy for four-ps.blogspot.com
Privacy Policy for four-ps.blogspot.com/
If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at ma_researches@yahoo.com.
At four-ps.blogspot.com/, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by four-ps.blogspot.com/ and how it is used.
Log Files
Like many other Web sites, four-ps.blogspot.com/ makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.
Cookies and Web Beacons
four-ps.blogspot.com/ does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.
Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include Google Adsense, .
These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on four-ps.blogspot.com/ send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see.
four-ps.blogspot.com/ has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.
You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. four-ps.blogspot.com/'s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.
If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.
If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at ma_researches@yahoo.com.
At four-ps.blogspot.com/, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by four-ps.blogspot.com/ and how it is used.
Log Files
Like many other Web sites, four-ps.blogspot.com/ makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.
Cookies and Web Beacons
four-ps.blogspot.com/ does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.
Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include Google Adsense, .
These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on four-ps.blogspot.com/ send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see.
four-ps.blogspot.com/ has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.
You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. four-ps.blogspot.com/'s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.
If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Marketing Definitions (2)
B2C : It mean "Business to Consumer." A business that markets its services or products to consumers.
Balance Of Payments : A record of all the economic transactions between a country and the rest of the world. For the world as a whole, theoretically, imports must equal exports. The balance of payments can be divided into the so-called current account and capital account. The current account is for goods and services, the capital account is for money and investments.
Balance Of Trade : The balance of merchandise imports and exports.
Bar Code : An information technology application that uniquely identifies various aspects of product characteristics as well as additional information regarding delivery and handling instructions.
Brainstorming : A group method of problem solving, used in product concept generation. It is sometimes thought to be an open, free-wheeling idea session, but more correctly is a specific procedure developed by Alex Osborn, with precise rules of session conduct. Now it has many modifications in format of use, each variation with its own name.
Branch House : An establishment maintained by a manufacturer, separate from the headquarters establishment and used primarily for the purpose of stocking, selling, delivering, and servicing the manufacturer's product.
Branch House Wholesaler : A national, regional, or sectional wholesaler who operates a number of variously located establishments to provide better customer service in all parts of the territory covered. It differs from a chain wholesaler in that each branch is closely supervised as an extension of the main wholesale house.
B2B : It mean "Business to Business." A business that markets its products or services to other businesses.
B2C : It mean "Business to Consumer." A business that markets its services or products to consumers.
Balance Of Payments : A record of all the economic transactions between a country and the rest of the world. For the world as a whole, theoretically, imports must equal exports. The balance of payments can be divided into the so-called current account and capital account. The current account is for goods and services, the capital account is for money and investments.
Balance Of Trade : The balance of merchandise imports and exports.
Bar Code : An information technology application that uniquely identifies various aspects of product characteristics as well as additional information regarding delivery and handling instructions.
The information is read by scanning devices and greatly increases the speed, accuracy, and productivity of the distribution process.
Brainstorming : A group method of problem solving, used in product concept generation. It is sometimes thought to be an open, free-wheeling idea session, but more correctly is a specific procedure developed by Alex Osborn, with precise rules of session conduct. Now it has many modifications in format of use, each variation with its own name.
Branch House : An establishment maintained by a manufacturer, separate from the headquarters establishment and used primarily for the purpose of stocking, selling, delivering, and servicing the manufacturer's product.
Branch House Wholesaler : A national, regional, or sectional wholesaler who operates a number of variously located establishments to provide better customer service in all parts of the territory covered. It differs from a chain wholesaler in that each branch is closely supervised as an extension of the main wholesale house.
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Marketing Definitions (1)
Above-The-Line Cost : Any cost involved in the advertising production process that is specifically listed in the budget .
Acceptable Price Range : The prices that buyers are willing to pay for goods or services .
Adaptation : The process of adjusting to environmental stimuli such that the stimuli become less noticed .
Adaptation Pricing Policy : Pricing for the rest of the world of adapting home country prices to local competitive and market circumstances. It also is known as polycentric pricing policy.
Agency Cost : The dollar reduction in welfare experienced by the principal due to the inherent nature of the agency relationship with management.
Anchor : The reference price or reference product in consumers comparisons.
Below-The-Line Cost : Any cost in the advertising production process that is not specifically itemized in the production budget .
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Friday, January 9, 2009
Product Mix .
Marketing has marketing mix , and promotion has promotion mix also product has product mix .
Product Mix is all the products offered for sale by an organisation , and Product Mix also mean the variety of product lines that a company produces, or that a retailer stocks . Product mix is sometimes called product assortment.
In product line we have four qualities ( length , breadth , depth and consistency ) .
Length : mean the number of products in the product line .
Breadth : mean the number of product lines that a company offers .
Depth : mean the different varieties of product in the product line .
Consistency : the relationship between products in their final destination .
In usual Product mix refers to the ( length,breadth,depth and consistency ) of product line .
Sunday, January 4, 2009
History of Marketing Research. Part Two
History of Marketing Research
From 1940 to 1960 .
In 1940
1930-1940. Interest in research turned to statistical methodology. Quantitative rather than qualitative information was emphasized, particularly for use in analysis of factors affecting sales and in the setting of sales quotas.
In 1950
1940-1950. The refinement of statistical techniques and with the growing interest in research methodology drawn from other social sciences. Attention was given to sampling theory and to multivariate and correlation methods.
In 1960
1950-1960. Emphasis placed upon managerial decision making in marketing analyses of consumer motivation and use of concepts developed in related behavioral sciences.
History of Marketing Research. Part One
History of Marketing Research .
From 1910 to 1930 .
In 1910
The practice of marketing research began about 1910 as result of a growing demand for accurate knowledge of marketing and of an increasing application of the methods of science to marketing management .
In 1911
In 1911 Charles Coolidge Parlin gathered information useful to businessmen were unskilled in interpreting them . And he called his proposed operation “Commercial Research.”
His first study was of the agricultural implement industry resulted in a 460 page report, which is credited with being the first marketing research study
in 1912
In 1912, Charles Coolidge Parlin he made second study . He visited all cities over 50,000 population to estimate the volume of business done in department stores, wholesale dry goods establishments, and principal merchant tailoring operations. That resulted in a second report entitled “Department Store Lines.” He stated in that study that “The Consumer Is King” which became a slogan throughout the period of the consumer movement.
In 1914
Charles’s third study was in the first census of distribution. In 1914, he published another study, “Automobiles,” pointing out possible successful lines and prices. The studies undertaken by Parlin made commercial fact finding a profession.
In 1920
From 1910 to 1920, The growing size of business establishments, particularly in the distributive trades, focused interest on measures of internal activity and encouraged research in operating statistics and other internal data.
In 1930
From 1920 to 1930, Focus of attention on markets, resulting form the introduction of new products, growth of new types of marketing establishments, and their uncertainty of consumer buying habits.
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